
Discover Hidden Gems

Uncharted Territories

Embark on an adventure to breathtaking locations around the world. From secluded beaches to majestic mountains, discover the beauty and serenity of untouched nature. Let us guide you to destinations off the beaten path and create memories that last a lifetime.

Encounter the Wild

Uganda’s Wildlife

Embark on a safari adventure through Uganda’s famous national parks. Witness the majestic mountain gorillas in Bwindi, the diverse wildlife in Queen Elizabeth National Park, and the magnificent Murchison Falls. Our guided tours provide an unforgettable wildlife experience in the heart of Africa.

Thrilling Adventures

the Excitement

Get your adrenaline pumping with our adventure tours. From mountain climbing and white-water rafting to jungle safaris and desert dune bashing, our expertly crafted itineraries offer the perfect blend of thrill and safety. Ready for an adventure of a lifetime? Let’s go!

Perfect for You

Popular Tour Packages

Explore our top tour packages designed for every type of traveler. From thrilling safaris and cultural tours to relaxing retreats and adventure trips, our popular packages promise unforgettable experiences and lasting memories.

3 Days 2 Nights

Murchison falls

3 Days 4 Nights

an elephant standing in tall grass with trees in the background

3 Days 4 Nights

a black gorilla sitting on top of a pile of leaves

3 Days 2 Nights

3-Day Gorilla Trekking Safari

Rwanda, Uganda
Starting From
$138 $165
Men paddling on a Rafting Sport

3 Days 4 Nights

1-Day Jinja Tour

Starting From

3 Days 4 Nights

Get Ready To

Explore Top Destinations

Discover stunning destinations. From breathtaking landscapes to vibrant cities, our top picks offer unique experiences and unforgettable adventures in East Africa!


Awesome Tours




Years Experience


Best Sceneries

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Choose Holiday Offer

Discover great holiday deals. From exclusive discounts to special packages, find your perfect getaway in East Africa!

Murchison falls
$120 $150
an elephant standing in tall grass with trees in the background
$39 $45
a black gorilla sitting on top of a pile of leaves
$138 $165
Men paddling on a Rafting Sport

1-Day Jinja Tour

3 Days 4 Nights

What Our Clients Say About Us

Read why travelers love East African Expeditions. Discover testimonials highlighting unforgettable adventures, serene retreats, and exceptional service.

Sarah & Mark T.

Our safari in Uganda with Ethel Tours & Travel was a once-in-a-lifetime experience! We saw the majestic mountain gorillas up close and the cultural tour in Kampala was equally fascinating. Highly recommended!

Kevin R.

Thrill-seeking in East Africa was beyond our expectations! From hiking Mount Kilimanjaro to rafting the Nile, every moment was filled with excitement. The team at Ethel Tours & Travel made our adventure seamless and unforgettable.

Emily & James W.

Ethel Tours & Travel helped us discover the serene side of East Africa. Our stay by Lake Victoria was peaceful and rejuvenating. The beautiful landscapes and warm hospitality made it the perfect retreat.

Read The Top

Tour Guide

Duis rutrum nisl urna. Maecenas vel libero faucibus nisi venenatis hendrerit a id lectus.
Suspendissendt blandit interdum. Sed pellentesque at nunc eget consectetur.

Sebastian Mateo

Tour Guide

Theodore Aiden

Tour Guide

Lincoln Anthony

Tour Guide

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